EKK:LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces/Marcelo

From Medien Wiki

My name is Marcelo F. Lazcano, I am originally from Chile. I have been a guitar player for a long time -mainly a combination of trash/metal, progressive rock, and Chilean folkrock- and at some point during my late 20's I was bitten by the contemporary art music bug, so now I am a Ph.D. student in composition at the University of California, San Diego where I get to explore not only contemporary art music, but also the possibilities of incorporating my background into the art music world.


As a composer I am interested in Spectral music, the acoustic properties of performance spaces, and how they can be incorporated into music. Of course this has been done -officially- for almost 40 years, so my personal challenge is how to mix and balance this technique/ art form with my Chilean musical background...I will update everyone once I figure that one out.

As a guitar player, I like to experiment with alternate tunings and bi-tones; the tones that are produce in the string between the finger(s) and the nut. I am currently working on a project to map -regular- harmonics and those harmonics produced in the bi-tone area.




My main platform is currently OS X