Natercia Chang

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Revision as of 14:05, 30 May 2010 by Petu3224 (talk | contribs)

Theme: Mutually Intelligible


1. I remember the first few meetings and classes when I got here last semester, they were all in German. And without any knowledge in the German language, it sounded like noises to me and I started making up the content when they talked. The initial idea that I came up was to film some of the lectures and edit subtiles on the images, which would be totally unrelated to the acutal content that they were discussing.

2. I have been attending lectures and workshops that are held almost entirely in German. To me, sitting in a classroom for more than 6 hours and listening to something not comprehensible at all is kind of a torture. Similarily, I am also interested to find out how would a person feels when he/she is forced to listen to something not in his/her first language.

3. The expereince of watching movies here in Germany is pretty hard because most of the movies, they are synchronised with German language instead of screening the original audio version.


1. Select a (or some) German movies and extract some of the scenes and/or shots without the audio

2. Select a collection of foreign movies and extract the audio (dialogue) from some of the scenes and/or shots

3. Synchronise the extracted images and audio and export it as a short video

  • 4. Create a booth that contains monitor and keyboard buttons that one can select languages (no German available) for viewing the video.
  • I do not know the technical parts to build a booth with sensory buttons...