GMU:DIY Biolab “Driver’s License”/Suna Yoo

From Medien Wiki


Well, this is my Biolab diary now.

1. Day in the Lab, I heard the introduction and had to leave earlier because of the Fachschaft plenum. So i didn´t learn how to cook the first medium, the one for bacteria.

2. Day. Take pictures of everything you do, said Miga. But my phone cam was broken. Instead i took this picture with my analogue „exacta135“ (1). That day we cooked medium for euglena and amoeba, but i´d got a very bad cold, my nose was running away and i was afraid of contaminating everything just by breathing. I went earlier because i was so tired, eventhough the other members of the fachschaft said that i can come later. Because uni goes first.


3. Day. I think the first courseday i really participated. I thought about not even going to the course, i was so stressed off my other courses, that took place the first time that week, just thinking about them made me worry about how to survive that semester. But than i quit all of them except biolab and decided to do another projekt. That was good. And than i met Azuzena in the M18 garden and realized that she was our teacher today. So i went. It was very interesting, Mycelium and slime molds are not as little as the other organisms. You don´t have to look through a microscope to see them. We could nearly touch them and smell them, imagine their consitence. You don´t need to have programming skills to do art-work with them. Azuzena showed us, what other people had already done. What stuck in my mind, was that you can heat mycelium and it will keep it´s form. For example in bricks or leather. Under the instructions of Azuzena i inoculated my first medium with spores. It was 15 minutes boiled cardboard. The container we used to store it, was ironically a blue supermarket Champignon box. After the Inoculation, wich in this case only means, to put a peace of wood with spores in it, between two or three sheets of hot cardboard. And then leave it in the oven, that is not called oven.