IFD:Nutzerstudien WiSe1314/firstUseChatSecure

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Bitte hier Probleme und (Usability)-Bugs Eintragen

Please report problems like this:

What happened: [I did… and… etc.]

What should have happened: [After… the … should have… so that…]

Be clear on what you refer to. Either use the "official" terms the programmers use or describe what you mean (like "bar on top of the screen")

Why? Because the apps are based on code. This code in dependend on certain states, like specific user actions, system-related events like having internet or not and so on. The more specific you are and the clearer you can descibe when and when not the problem occurrs that faster the problem can be fixed)

can't avoid icon in statusbar

What happened: As long as chat secure is not manually closed, the chat secure icon appears in the top bar. The "Chat secure online" message/icon can not be dismissed by swiping the system-message.

What should happen: The icon should only be present if there are messages or problems that need my attention, at least it should be possible to dimiss the indicator by swiping on the system message. Look at the behaviour of whatsapp as an example.

log in-trouble

What exactly caused the trouble?

creating account difficulties

What did you try to create an account? What were the applications reactions? Did you manage to solve the problem, and if yes, how?


…Probleme die ihr nicht genau beschreiben könnt, oder die euch zu klein erscheinen.

Logout not immediantly obvious; I didn`t know it was the checkmark

Describe where the checkmark was. What did you expect the checkmark to be?

Durch diesen Schiebemechanismus passiert es leicht, aus Versehen einer falschen Person zu schreiben. (Der Name, der beim Chat oben steht, ist auch recht klein.)