Lecturer: Martin Schneider
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Block-Workshops
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 204
First meeting: 2013-11-29
Dieser Kurs setzt sich mit verschiedenen Formen der Selbst-Organisation auseinander.
Das geschieht in Form von Übungen und Experimenten mit der Programmiersprache Processing.
Die drei Themengebiete sind:
- Muster-Bildung (Zelluläre Automaten und Turing Patterns)
- Dynamische Selbst-Organisation (Swarm-Art)
- Selbst-Konfiguration (Geometrische Physik und Chemie)
This course tackles several forms of Self-Organisation.
The subject is approached via exercises and experiments in the Processing programming language.
The three subject areas are:
- Pattern Formation (Cellular Automata and Turing Patterns)
- Dynamic Self-Organisation (Swarm-Art)
- Self-Assembly (Geometric Physics and Chemistry)
Sketch Collections
Martin Schneider has created four collections of Processing sketches to give you an impression what Self-Organisation in software can look like.
Virtual Classroom
Open Processing is a website for learning Processing and sharing sketches.
The virtual classroom "Self-Organisation by Design" will be
used extensively both during the course, and to publish your assignments.
The Nature of Code by Dan Shiffman
Daniel Shiffman has published a Processing book on Natural Systems, that is available online.
Some chapters are quite relevant to the kind
of systems we are going to explore in our course.