GMU:On Production

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Revision as of 17:34, 5 September 2013 by Gunnar (talk | contribs)

Lehrpersonen: Markus Weisbeck, Dominique Hurth, Gunnar Green
Bewertung: 18 ECTS, 16 SWS


Working Title

Works by Eleana Katanu, Stephanie Massarelli, Adriana Muñoz Origel, Bojana Ristic.

Through mind-mapping, printed matters, notebooks, and installation, Katanu, Massarelli, Oirgel and Ristic offer an exploration of processes of artistic production based on tools of observation and strategies of translation. Based on a series of field trips to Berlin, 'working title' represents the initial impressions obtained during three weeks of visiting more about 25 different producers, including artists, editors, distributors, curators and others.

Taking the role of the collector, the culmination of this research is a visual representation of both individual and group experiences in which production is inspired by production. A complex set of cultural, personal and financial questions which are simultaneously apparent and hidden are intertwining in the physical manifestation of the research.

Strangely Familiar

Golriz Behgoo (Iran) and Bethan Hughes (UK) present an installation exploring the unique combinations and conflicts that arise from cultural (media) representation* and inevitable amalgamation.

Using the outmoded technologies and formats of Television and slide projections, the installation presents an edited selection of the artists' own collection of pop-cultural material (photographs, videos, texts, music and adverts) regarding the years preceding and following 1979 in both Iran and the UK.

Through a combination of these materials, the work aims to examine the surreal phenomenon of witnessing one's cultural background from a geographically and generationally removed position; an inward and outward view onto what is at once understandable, relatable and known but simultaneously incomprehensible, disassociated and unknown - that which is strangely familiar.