Benjamin Bąk

From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 12:51, 24 May 2023 by BB (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Besides the visible changes that the weather creates we are blind to the compostion and structure of the air around and above us. This concept proposes a tool to change that....")
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Besides the visible changes that the weather creates we are blind to the compostion and structure of the air around and above us. This concept proposes a tool to change that. A kite moving through the air, rising and falling, following the direction of the wind, with a sensor suspended beneath, measuring the atmospheric electricity. (The kite could also be switched out with a drone or a tethered/untethered Ballon.) Each attained data point is connected to a position in space, which might be calculated by the atmospheric pressure and GPS-Coordinates. The data is then fed into a program that builds a three-dimensional mapping of the present electric Field, which increases its accuracy with every new entry. Unmapped areas can be approximated by the average of mapped neighboring points.

The Person that is guiding the kite, can draw the map by moving on the ground and lowering or raising the kite.

This approach is not limited to atmospheric electricity but can be extended to many different parameters, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and also pollution by VOCs (Volatile organic compounds). The overlaying mapping of the different parameters might tell something new and raise awareness on the impact on the atmosphere we all share.