Martin howse's circuit

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Revision as of 17:55, 1 November 2022 by Capo0368 (talk | contribs)

guide :


  • AD620 chip has a 8 legs. And each of leg is defined as a number 1-8.
  • Capacitor has a 2 legs like led. (+) goes to pin 4 of chip and (-) goes to pin 7 in this case.

How to build Martin howse circuit on brettboard

1. Put the AD620 amplifier on middle of breadboard.

2. Place the 1 k Ω resistor between pin 1 and pin 8.

3. Connect capacitor is connected between pin 4 and pin 7.

4. Place the two 10 k Ω resistors. Both start from pin 5 (reference) with one ending at pin 7 (power, 5 V) and the other at pin 4 (earth, GND)

5. Pin 6 of the AD620 is connected to analog A0.

6. Connect the 3 cables on pin 2,3 and 5. (2,3 is for measuring value between A-B and 5 is for reference.

Martin hawse circuit1.jpeg

Martin hawse circuit2.jpeg

+white crocodiles are for measuring value and green one is for reference

Arduino part

arduino code

  • delay time = 100 is recommanded
