GMU:Computer's Cut/Mudassir Sheikh

From Medien Wiki

I used the Python script for ‘object detection’ with the CLASS “bicycle” to create this edit.

I used the unofficial music video for Boards of Canada’s ‘Everything You Do is a Balloon'. The original footage belongs to a 1963 film titled “One Got Fat: Bicycle Safety”. It depicts a group of youngsters riding bicycles to the park for a picnic and documents the violation of various bicycle safety rules. One by one, the children are eliminated as they violate rules, and only one manages to arrive at the park.

I chose this video for its depiction of bicycles and dreamlike atmosphere.

This snippet is from a 1979 documentary about the Greek musician "Lasos". His music mainly comprised of synthesizers. I picked the word "patterns" with a meta approach, as we're literally looking for patterns when using algorithms to edit.