GMU:Speculative Atmospheres II/Sophia Amelia Eickhoff

From Medien Wiki



For my project I want to collect the invisible elements (data) that shape the natural atmosphere on my walks and visualize them artistically. An alternative map is created, which is not used for orientation. It is a reproduction of brief moments that will most likely not come up again in this way.

On the route, light, air quality, temperature and the walkers pulse are measured every minute using an Arduino and sensors. These are stored via an SD card and read out with a code. The time and route are stored using a tracking app.The data determines the parameters of the subsequent image design. For transport, a "rack" is built that attaches the breadboard to the body. After each walk the collected data will be transscripted and painted with onto a cardboardcanvas. The base of the background is a photo that represents the atmosphere of the walk.

  • Time/Duration= Size of the canvas
  • Route= Shape of the line
  • Temperature= Color of the line
  • Light= Height of the line
  • Air quality= Saturation of the color
  • Pulse= Thickness of the line



 #include <SPI.h> //including SDcard
 #include <SD.h>
 #include <math.h> //including for temperature calculation
 File myFile; //directing data to file
 void setup() {
 Serial.begin(9600); //starting comunication with arduino
 while (!Serial) {
 Serial.print("Initializing SD card..."); //initializing the SD card
 if (!SD.begin(10)) {
 Serial.println("initialization failed!"); // signal if connection failed
 while (1);
 Serial.println("initialization done."); // signal if connection succeded
 myFile ="test.txt", FILE_WRITE); //naming file
 if (myFile) {
 Serial.print("Writing to test.txt...");
 myFile.println ("Spaziergang"); //naming the section of the file, date, place, number of walk
 else {
 // if the file didn't open, print an error:
 Serial.println("error opening test.txt"); //signal if opening failed
 void loop() {
 //if the communication started successfully-  
 myFile ="test.txt", FILE_WRITE);
 if (myFile) {
 //collect incoming data from sensors
 Serial.print("Writing to test.txt...");
 int light = analogRead(A0);
 myFile.print( "Licht: "); 
 myFile.print ("Temperatur: ");
 double temp=analogRead(A1);
 double fenya=(temp/1023)*5;
 double r=(5-fenya)/fenya*4700;
 myFile.println( 1/(  log(r/10000) /3950 + 1/(25+273.15))-273.15);
 // airquality
 int gas = analogRead(A3);
 myFile.print( "Gas: ");
 myFile.println(gas, DEC);
 int pulse = analogRead(A2);
 myFile.print( "Pulse: ");
 delay(60000); //collect data every minute
 // close the file:
  else {
 // if the file didn't open, print an error:
 Serial.println("error opening test.txt");


PulseSensor.jpegAirqualitySensor.jpegLightSensor.jpegTemperatureSensor.jpegSdCardModule.jpegBreadBoard.jpeg PulsAttached.jpegAdditionalEquipment.jpegOnArm.jpeg

Data Results

Screenshot (47).pngScreenshot (48).png


Screenshot (50).png

Transscription Diagram

Thoughts while working


The place and the area of the walked route are indicated. Depending on what dominates the walk, a text (internal state) or a photo (external state) is attached. Also, an attempt is made to put this state in context with the collected data.


  • Determination-Indetermination
    • Thoughts by Nam June Paik

  • What is the information shown in commercial maps and to what extent can they be political?

  • History of Mapping-Alternative/Artistic mapping
  • Strollology

  • Correlation -Interpretation of Data

  • Context/ Asssociation of Color

  • Gerhard Richter for background


Linearroute.png Anhang 1 (2).jpegRazm.jpegRotgelbrauml.jpegHintergrund.pngSketcch.jpegSketccch.jpeg3dcollage.jpegRoute33.jpeg