GMU:Speculative Atmospheres/Andrea Geyer

From Medien Wiki

An experiment with the LED sensor of an Arduino, linked to Processing graphics:

inverted pulsating cat’s eye

When the light is high, the pupil of the cat’s eye widens,

when the light is low, the pupil of the cat’s eye closes.

[I know in reality, it’s the other ways round… ;) ]

--> The color of the pupil also changes, from bright (high value) to dark (low value)





the relevant part of the processing code:

 if (data != null) {
   int intData = int(data); // ---> variable for incoming data
   background(255, 255, 0);
   noStroke ();
   ellipse (560, 360, 600, 600); // ---> 1. circle: as a reference for the 2. circle
   noStroke ();
   fill (intData, intData, intData); // ---> !! set fill color with the value read
   ellipse (560, 360, intData, 600); // ---> 2. circle: visualizes the incoming data
