GMU:Max and I, Max and Me/Friedrich Wilhelm Albrecht Pittelkow

From Medien Wiki

Interesting work

après l'avant a binaural electronic sound performance based on the piece "tenet opera rotas" by Karlheinz Essl.

First Max Patch

A patch that implements a very basic sequenzer and a FM-Syth.


Video to synth

Using the average ammount of red, green and blue present in the video to control the timbre of the synthezizer and movemnet of sound as well as the pericved luminance to controll the pitch.


Sensing physical data

I used a homemade capacitive sensor as an input and an led as well as sound as an output. Such a sensor can be built by connecting two pins of the Arduino with an resistor with a relativly high value (I used 1MOhm) and a conducting object eg. aluminium or copper foil.

Capacitive sensing with Arduino

The Max/Msp-Patch recives readings from the sensor. There are dials implementet so calibrate the range of the sensor. This data is used to controll the pitch an oscillator and the brightness of an attached led.

File:capsens_1_FrPit.maxpat File:capsens_1_arduino_FrPit.ino