GMU:Connecting Max to the World/Frederic Blais-Belanger

From Medien Wiki

Project presentation

As part of my Projektmodul Art and Biomedia: agencies of being, I am working on creating a platform where the viewer can perform a social interaction with a different specie; a dance between human and plancton.

Dance is a powerful communication tool as it breaks the language barrier. It demands a mutual respect from both parties, but moreover a constant attention to the partner in order to adjust to its movements. It is a form of conversation where both partners have to answer to each other in a symbiotic way. It is for these reasons that I see dance as a metaphor for interspecies communication, for closing the gap between different organisms and bringing an alternative to the human solipsistic supremacy point of view.

Within this class, I want to research about the

Link to full project: GMU:Art and Biomedia/Frederic Blais-Belanger

Patches to do:
