GMU:Algorithmic Art/Christopher Heiden

From Medien Wiki

Algorithm for Humans 1 — 19.10.18

Result Algorithm
Introductory Algorithm Result of the first analog algorithm reading line by line and execute the given instructions.

Algorithm for Humans 2 — 26.10.18

Result Algorithm
Algorithm for Humans 2 This time we had to write our own algorithm and give it an other student so he/she can try to draw it. The result you can see here.

Introductory Algorithm|-

Algorithm for Computers 1 — 26.10.18

Result Algorithm
nestedForLoops Presenting the first drawing imagine with Processing.


Algorithm for Computers 2 — 02.11.18

Result Algorithm
nestedForLoops Presenting a small little game which includes things we have learned last time like for-loops, if-clauses, variables and so on.


Algorithm for Computers 3 — 02.11.18

Result Algorithm
nestedForLoops Showing a small grid using vertexes and neste-for-loops.
