GMU:Wild Type/Luis Hurtarte

From Medien Wiki
< GMU:Wild Type
Revision as of 23:09, 29 February 2016 by Veli2305 (talk | contribs)

Video Tutorials click on the title to watch the video.

Title Preview Description
[Fontastic] coming soon Header 3
parametric font WT 00.png Header 3
follow the pointer WT 01.png
row 1, cell 3
line animation WT 02.png row 2, cell 3
robofont morph WT 03.png a
[3D] 3D WT 05.png a
[Augmented reality] WT 06.png a

Cool! Very well done :) How about adding a screenshot to the Wiki?

— Martin Schneider 16:28, 24 November 2015 (UTC)