GMU:Joe Davis - BioArt Workshop

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Revision as of 12:44, 5 October 2012 by Gunnar (talk | contribs)

Lehrperson(en): Joe Davis
Bewertung: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Termin: 19,10, 22.10 + 23.10 + january
Ort: Marienstraße 7b, Raum 204
Erster Termin: 19.10, 10.00
Max Number of participants: 20


The workshop focus on the sublime connections between sound and light, both visible and invisible (radio waves are photons too), in which students would create photophones and other optoacoustic devices including simple light-based theremins and musical instruments, and culminating with construction of an audiomicroscope.


Friday, 19th October: Lecture by Joe Davis

Monday, 22nd October: Workshop Day 1

Tuesday, 23rd October: Workshop Day2

Registration procedure

Please send your application by email with the Subject Joe Davis - BioArt Workshop to: daniela.dembowski (at)

  • Name, Surname
  • program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
  • matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
