GMU:Synthetic Biology/True love comes from within

From Medien Wiki

AphrodiTec - true love comes from within

Stop heartbraeking, stop pain – start living - with the power of the 'god of love' Aphrodite! In this new formula the essence of love is concentrated to prepare you for the real love.

Take one ampoule of AphrodiTec, stay in the presence of the one you want to fall in love with and look into his/her eyes for thrity seconds whilst touching the loved ones hand. Each ampoule of AphrodiTec guarantees true love for one month.

Warning: Keep away from children! Do not give AphrodiTec to other persons without their knowledge.

erneut: alle bilder sind skizzen eines späteren szenarios. die verpackung wird dann aus goldpappe sein, die pappe ist auch schon da aber der druckmensch weigerte sich heute, sie zu bedrucken...wird nachgereicht.





außerdem würd ich gern nen werbefilm machen mit lauter ganz kurzen situationen wo es eingenommen wird (bräutigam kurz vorm altar, sexpuppe, missverständnis, altes ehepaar, biolehrerin erklärt mechanismus an erklärpuppe. jeweils einnehmen und herz beginnt rot zu blinken.

older version and additional information

"AphrodiTec - true love comes from within"

ampoules with synthetic second messenger that arouse emotions in the person who consumed the product by exerting influence on the limbic system.

How may snthetic biology influence our relations? Where is the point of loosing the "real" in sense of natural (traditional) completely in order to have a better control and with this less pain?

Fall in love - or - be loved. Its quick, easy and buyable!

"AphrodiTec - true love comes from within" is not only about short desire but a real change of emotions.

It is the old story of the idea to control love and feelings, your own and of other persons. But with synthetic biology it might become real. With this step all the 'old' questions are raised on a new level.

It is the question of why loving or not loving someone. Is it real? Is it only projection? Is it because being used to it? Is it - if „aphrodiTec - true love comes from within“ is buyable - only because of the biological depthing?

How can we live in the modern times with all freedom we have? What would change if we could have more control and with this less pain... How high is the price?

It is about perambulating in the wide space between self-determination and heteronomy.

Who would buy and use it? If there would be easy access to it – we all would live a different life than we do now, don't you think?

This is not supposed to be another deeply elaborated personal project, but is supposed to be another product in our supermarket.