GMU:BioArt Forum/Growing, Shaping and Living (with) Microalgae: Difference between revisions

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*[[:File:Instructions for DIY biorector.pdf]]
*[[:File:Instructions for DIY biorector.pdf]]
*[[:File:Microalgae Cultivation Workshop.pdf]]
*[[:File:Microalgae Cultivation Workshop.pdf]]
===Experiment 1: Light impact===
* Label the two vessels as "Light" and "Dark" using a marker or tape.
* Measure equal amounts of water (e.g., 100 ml) and pour it into each vessel.
* Add an equal volume of cyanobacteria culture (e.g., 5 ml) to each vessel, ensuring that the initial concentration is the same for both. Gently swirl the vessels to mix the water and cyanobacteria.
* Place the "Light" vessel under a bright lamp or in a sunny spot near a window, ensuring it receives consistent light exposure throughout the experiment.
* Place the "Dark" vessel in a dark area, such as a cupboard or a box, where it will not be exposed to any light.
* Observe the vessels for a period of 6-8 hours. Pay close attention to the "Light" vessel and look for tiny bubbles forming around the cyanobacteria. These bubbles are oxygen produced as a result of photosynthesis.
* Take notes on your observations, including the presence of bubbles in the "Light" vessel, and any differences in the appearance or behavior of the cyanobacteria between the two vessels.
* At the end of the observation period, compare your findings and discuss how light exposure influenced the cyanobacteria's ability to perform photosynthesis, as evidenced by the formation of oxygen bubbles.
===Experiment 2: Building a simple bioreactor===
* Clean glas containers
* Construct ports and making them air tight
* Add aluminum foil to protect ports after autoclaving
* Add tubing for bubbling
* Test the set-up regarding
* Bubbling
* Mixing
* Various
* Fill with destilled water
* Autoclave
