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'''Synthetic Spectacles''' (Bastian Bügler)
'''Bad good karma - das killer spiel''' (Bastian Bügler)

BAD GOOD KARMA is a game that can be played alone as well as in groups. Every round is about saving the world, taking bad karma upon yourself in order to protect the ecosystem. Each round played is one that made a difference, a good chance step up to your biosocial responsibilities, feel the heavy  burden and have fun at the same time. If you fail there is some probability that our biosphere will be altered, forever. This game is all about proud, courageous decisions and tough choices.
Please consider ethical dilemmata before and after, but not during a running game. Once the game starts there is no time for words and doubts, stop whining and do what has to  be done. You and your team members are the best human species has to offer in this time of crisis. There is high risk - there may be even pain and even casualties but all those weigh nothing compared to the honor of having once more saved the ecosphere and the day.
Contained in the game:
12 genetically modified crickets  (glowing in the dark).
3  fly swatters  (electrical charged).
1 groundzero launching-platform
1 countermeassure-initiation-timer
Setting up:
Physical preparations:
1) warm up your muscles.
2) stretch your tendons
3) prepare mentally for the kill.
beginners: (low biodiverity hazard)
1) close all doors and windows.
2) clear the room from obstacles.
3) center the launching platfom onto a flat plane.
4) place the countermeassure-initiation-timer right next to the launching platform.
5) get yourself and your team armed and ready with one or two fly swatters. 
intermediate: (medium biodiverity hazard)
1) skip closing doors and windows.
2) forget clearing your room.
3) center the launching platfom onto a flat plane.
4) place the countermeassure initiation timer right next to the launching platform.
5) get yourself and your team armed and ready with one or two fly swatters. 
andvanced: (high biodiversity hazard as well as high probability of selfinflicted injuries and colateral damage to you and  your team mates)
1) open all windows and doors.
2) arrange lots of stuff on the floor of the room.
3) center the launching platfom onto a flat plane (table, desk or floor)
4) place the countermeassure initiation timer right next to the launching platform.
5) wait until it is realy dark (night)
6) wait - get the  fly swatters once the countermeassure initiation timer goes off. Alternatively you may also skip the professional hunting equipment and instead use your bare hands or the next object with your range.
Playing (rules of engagement)
1) place one ore more crickets onto the ground zero launching platform.
2) initiate the countermeassure timer. It is important to follow protocoll since the initiation movement should scare the cricket to flee, following its evil agenda, to gain freedom and build a family.
Wait until the cricket has left the platform and the countermeassures alarm has gone off.  Now the beast is on the run, the biosphere is in danger, a biological super-gau is immanent. Concentrate, feel the pressure -  the world depends on you to win. Arm up and eliminate the thread. For once there is no time to dicuss, no air to be wasted - kill a few to save many. Be aware when playin in the dark, especially when playing in groups or crowded rooms. In every war there are casualties, friendly fire is not to be taken personal, injuries caused by collision with furniture, walls or team mates may leave scars and painfull wounds of honor.