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In this file we experiment on how to generate sound. It uses metro and a
sequencer and three different frequencies.

[[:File:Description_of _Patches_final.pdf]]
In this patch the frequency of the sound in the max patch gets controlled
via input by Arduino. As sensor we used a photo sensor; the intensity by
which the photo sensor receives light will control the modulation of the
sound in max patch.

In this patch you can move a 3D object on the screen in a 3D space by
controlling it via Arduino input. In this case the movement is controlled by
only a single cable to induce movement of the object on the x, y and z
axis. As the input is only one single cable the values are manipulated by
calculating functions to obtain three different outputs to move the object

work in progress for video mixer with jit.gen sub patch in attempt to
control color parameters

This file is a video mixer.
It has three image inputs; i.e. the webcam, video 1 and video 2. The
intensity of the amount of merging of the different input sources can be
controlled by a slider. That way different effects can be achieved and
manipulated. To not only work on screen but to implement input controls
via the physical environment the slider can also be controlled by Arduino
sensors over serial communication; in this case the slider is controlled by
a photo sensor.

This file is a variation of the final mixer patch

It has the same functionality as the final patch but an effect filter has
been added. With the slider the intensity of the effect can be controlled.

[[:File:Extrusion_simplified-m.maxpat]] ‎