Bastian Schwerer: Position Medium Kunst, 2024
Type: Independent Project Degree Programme: Fine Art Education Professorship: Art and its Didactics Advisors: Catalina Giraldo Vélez, Prof. Dr. Andrea Dreyer

Most contemporary artists can no longer be solely conceived in traditional genre categories such as “painter” or “sculptor”. Artistic practices are complex, transmedial and changeable. Contemporary art education must be able to react to these changes and find new reference frameworks to exist in.

In “Position Medium Kunst” Artists from Bauhaus-Universität are interviewed about their creative processes and their professional self-understanding, thereby allowing the viewer to participate in the process of work creation. The video series can be understood as an impulse to question one’s own approaches and preconceptions as art educators but can also itself become the basis and subject matter of contemporary, challenging and project-based art education. The first results of the project were presented at “Kunstpädagogischer Tag 2024 – Künstlerische Strategien im ländlichen Raum“.

The series has a process-based approach and is, like it’s subject-matter, ever evolving. Current results can be viewed on the Website of the Professorship Art and its Didactics:

Videos: Transformation: Staging: Performance:


Fine Art Education
Art and its Didactics
Bastian Schwerer
Catalina Giraldo Vélez
Prof. Dr. Andrea Dreyer