Examination procedure and grading

  • I’m not satisfied with the general conditions of an examination
  • I’m not satisfied with the grading or haven’t received a grade within the deadline

Academic Advising: can help with exam-related questions based on the Examination Regulations relevant to your degree programme.

Teaching Staff: can be contacted directly to jointly seek a solution and, if applicable, to take a look at the examination paper.

Student Council: offers advice and decides whether problems should be raised with other contact persons/committees which have student representation.

Examination Commission/Examination Committee: is the body of the faculty responsible for monitoring proper procedure and is also the conciliation body in the event of inadequacies in examination-related matters. (Contact the relevant student representatives on your faculty’s Examination Committee.)

The Head of Degree Programme or Dean of Studies: may be approached as the next higher authority within the faculty (if necessary, accompanied by the Student Council or the »University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs«).

Representatives of the »University Complaints Office for Student and Academic Affairs« can help you in the area of Student and Academic Affairs if you haven’t been able to find a solution through the support services or if you don’t feel confident enough to approach the points of contact alone.