summaery2023: Projekte

Full Blown HCI - Inflatables for Tangible Interaction and Data Physicalization


eingereicht von
Hannes Waldschütz

Jesujuwonlo Adekunle Gabriela Bautista Hanna Danilishyna Varvara Golova Christoph Hein Jahin Khushnood Simisola Mofetoluwa Pasuta Paopun Sanaz Yazdanjoo

Hannes Waldschütz, Eva Hornecker


Human-Computer Interaction (Master of Science (M.Sc.))

Art der Präsentation

Sommersemester 2023

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort
  • Schwanseestraße 143 - S143
    (1.OG, Raum 205a)


In this project, the students explored the design and craft of inflatables for data physicalizations or tangible interfaces. Following a Research-through-Design approach, the students were challenged to create prototypes for tangible interaction and develop them within a small team.

3 Projects emerged and are presented:

• EmbraceMe
EmbraceMe is a research about an inflatable interface to provide users with interactive and personalized comforting hugs, aiming to alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness. By responding to the user's emotional state, the device offers tailored and warm embraces, fostering emotional well-being and support.

• InflatoStories
InflatoStories is an immersive experience that combines storytelling with inflatables, bringing the narrative to life through visually captivating interactions. Participants of all ages can actively engage with the evolving story as each inflatable represents a unique story element or character, fostering creativity and ignite imagination.

• Air-Balanced Bites
Air-Balanced Bites is an interactive table that assesses the balance of users' meals and promotes awareness of healthy dietary habits. By using inflatable components and an interactive interface, the physical position of the tabletop is dynamically adjusted, so users can feel and understand the nutritional balance of their meals, empowering them to make informed choices for improved well-being.

Dateien und Präsentationen

Ausstellungs- / Veranstaltungsort