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WiSe 2024/25

weitere Informationen zu Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar  Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar    
weitere Informationen zu Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen  Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen    
weitere Informationen zu M.Sc. Natural hazards and risk in structural engineering  M.Sc. Natural hazards and risk in structural engineering    
weitere Informationen zu Elective compulsory modules  Elective compulsory modules    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
2401011 Applied structural dynamics   -   Jun.Prof. PhD Athanasiou Vorlesung
2202011 Assessment of structural performance (under extreme loading conditions)   -   Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Jun.Prof. PhD Athanasiou Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Master of Science Uzair Hasan Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
2202005 Risk projects and evaluation of structures   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Master of Science Uzair Hasan Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Experiments in Structural Engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kraus Mämpel Ibañez Sánchez Integrierte Vorlesung
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Signal Processing, Design of Experiments and System Identification   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Master of Science Jaouadi Das Integrierte Vorlesung
2906016 Secondary Hazards and Risks (land-use, site studies)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Staubach Dr.rer.nat. Aselmeyer Rodríguez Lugo Integrierte Vorlesung
303005 Object-oriented Modeling and Programming in Engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch Master of Science Artus Vorlesung

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