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WiSe 2024/25

weitere Informationen zu Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar  Veranstaltungsverzeichnis der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar    
weitere Informationen zu Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften  Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften    
weitere Informationen zu English-taught courses of the Faculty  English-taught courses of the Faculty    
Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
204019 Life-lines engineering (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Chawdhury Tondo Kavrakov Integrierte Vorlesung
2202001 Seismic Monitoring / Regional Ground Motion   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Dipl.-Ing. Kaufmann Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Integrierte Vorlesung
2204017 Wind Engineering   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Kavrakov Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Tondo Jun.Prof. PhD Athanasiou Integrierte Vorlesung
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing.habil. Rodehorst Integrierte Vorlesung
901005 Project- and Disaster Management   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bargstädt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Melzner Master of Science Azimian Dipl.-Ing. Bode Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Integrierte Vorlesung
901033 Sociology of disaster   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Melzner Dr.phil. Podlaszewska Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bargstädt Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Dipl.-Ing. Bode Integrierte Vorlesung
202005 Risk projects and evaluation of structures   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Master of Science Uzair Master of Science Hasan Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Experiments in Structural Engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kraus Ibañez Sánchez Integrierte Vorlesung
906023 Advanced geotechnical engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Staubach Dr.rer.nat. Aselmeyer Rodríguez Lugo Integrierte Vorlesung
204019 Life-lines engineering (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Chawdhury Tondo Kavrakov Seminar
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Rau Kavrakov Chawdhury Dipl.-Ing. Taube Tondo Seminar
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. MSc MPhil Morgenthal Rau Kavrakov Chawdhury Tondo Vorlesung
2301012-1 Applied mathematics (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rüffer PhD Gorban Vorlesung
2301012-2 Applied mathematics (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Rüffer PhD Gorban Seminar
2301012-2 Mathematics for risk management (MBM) - Exercices   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Jaouadi Übung
2301012-3 Stochastics for risk assessment (Lecture) / Mathematics for risk management (MBM)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Jaouadi Das Hazrati Vorlesung
2301012-4 Stochastics for risk assessment / Mathematics for risk management (MBM) (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Lahmer Dr.-Ing. Master of Science Jaouadi Das Hazrati Seminar
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Exercise)   -   PD Dr.-Ing.habil. Most Das Seminar
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Lecture)   -   PD Dr.-Ing.habil. Most Vorlesung
2401015 Finite element methods (Exercise)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rabczuk Dr.-Ing. Nguyen Tuan Lopez Zermeño Seminar
2401015 Finite element methods (Lecture)   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rabczuk Vorlesung
253001 Structural design and performance assessment (for extreme loading conditions)   -   Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Jun.Prof. PhD Athanasiou Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Master of Science Uzair Master of Science Hasan Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Vorlesung
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Exercise/Project)   -   Dr.-Ing. Schwarz Dr.-Ing. Beinersdorf Dr.-Ing. Maiwald Seminar
2909020 Macroscopic Transport Modelling   -   Dipl.-Geograph McFarland Thiebes Prof. Dr.-Ing. Plank-Wiedenbeck Dipl.-Ing. Uhlmann Integrierte Vorlesung
303005 Object-oriented Modeling and Programming in Engineering   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch Artus Vorlesung
303013 Collaboration in BIM projects   -   Jun.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Abrahamczyk Dr.-Ing. Schneider Prof. Dr.-Ing. Koch Vorlesung Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich
401011 Applied structural dynamics   -   Jun.Prof. PhD Athanasiou Vorlesung
903006/01 Infrastructure planning in developing countries   -   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kraft Dr.-Ing. Haupt Lange Integrierte Vorlesung

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