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WiSe 2024/25

 Natural Hazards and Risk Engineering (M.Sc.), PV 19 Abschluss MS, PrüfungsOrdnung 19 (MSNHM) ,     Semester von: 3 ,     Semester bis: 3  

Einzeltermin Blockveranstaltung 14-tägl. Veranstaltung

Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
906023 Advanced geotechnical engineering Integrierte Vorlesung
420250037 Computer Models for Physical Processes - from observation to simulation Vorlesung
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Experiments in Structural Engineering Integrierte Vorlesung
2205014 Design and interpretation of experiments: Signal Processing, Design of Experiments and System Identification Integrierte Vorlesung
202012 Experimental testing based on impact and resistance: wind, fire and earthquake Vorlesung
2204019 Life-lines engineering (Exercise) Seminar
2204019 Life-lines engineering (Lecture) Integrierte Vorlesung
Mechanik der Bau- und Werkstoffe Integrierte Vorlesung
Meetings DAAD-Scholarshipholder NHRE Sonstige Veranstaltung
303005 Object-oriented Modeling and Programming in Engineering Vorlesung
2901005 Project- and Disaster Management Integrierte Vorlesung
2202005 Risk projects and evaluation of structures Vorlesung
901033 Sociology of disaster Integrierte Vorlesung
NHM17-5000 Special Project (Introduction) Projekt
253001 Structural design and performance assessment (for extreme loading conditions) Vorlesung

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