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WiSe 2024/25

 Natural Hazards and Risk Engineering (M.Sc.), PV 16 Abschluss MS, PrüfungsOrdnung 16 (MSNHM) ,     Semester von: 1 ,     Semester bis: 1  

Einzeltermin Blockveranstaltung 14-tägl. Veranstaltung

Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
2301012-2 Applied mathematics (Exercise) Seminar
2301012-1 Applied mathematics (Lecture) Vorlesung
401011 Applied structural dynamics Vorlesung
2401015 Finite element methods (Exercise) Seminar
2401015 Finite element methods (Lecture) Vorlesung
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Exercise/Project) Seminar
2904002 Geographical information systems (GIS) and building stock survey (Lecture) Integrierte Vorlesung
Mechanik der Bau- und Werkstoffe Integrierte Vorlesung
Meetings DAAD-Scholarshipholder NHRE Sonstige Veranstaltung
2202001 Seismic Monitoring / Regional Ground Motion Integrierte Vorlesung
2301012-3 Stochastics for risk assessment (Lecture) / Mathematics for risk management (MBM) Vorlesung
2301012-4 Stochastics for risk assessment / Mathematics for risk management (MBM) (Exercise) Seminar
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Exercise) Seminar
2401014 Structural Dynamics (Lecture) Vorlesung
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Exercise) Seminar
2205032 Structural engineering – Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete structures (Lecture) Vorlesung
2204017 Wind Engineering Integrierte Vorlesung

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