Much has changed in the recent past: the creation of all kinds of creative content no longer seems to be the exclusive domain of humans. AI can help us ideate and create many types of output. But even though it can produce stunning results, they need to be curated, modified and adjusted to distinguish them from arbitrary results that lack motivation or personal touch.
In this course we'll explore and reflect on the role and impact of generative AI tools in creative ideation processes in interaction design, in particular large language models and image generation models. We will explore how we can use these technologies to complement and enhance our own creative processes, but also reflect on their limitations and how they can influence and even limit our own creativity. We will try to apply some structure to this computer-assisted creativity to see if we can achieve less arbitrary, more original results. The course takes a hands-on approach to collaborative human-machine interaction and encourages critical reflection on the implications of using AI in creative endeavours. We will also take some of the ideas and prototype them.
Following a Research through Design (RtD) approach, we will work in small groups to conduct our research and develop some of the ideas, for example using prototyping technology such as Arduino, Processing and others. We will look at the literature in this area of research, investigate creative processes and develop ideas/concepts.
This course is perfect for students who want to be challenged to find problems, who enjoy individual and (multidisciplinary) group work, and who want to develop their own concepts.