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WiSe 2024/25

Ubiquitous Computing - Einzelansicht

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Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung SWS 4
Veranstaltungsnummer 4556216 Max. Teilnehmer/-innen 45
Semester WiSe 2024/25 Zugeordnetes Modul
Erwartete Teilnehmer/-innen
Rhythmus einmalig
Weitere Links http://www.ehornecker.de/
Sprache englisch
Termine Gruppe: [unbenannt]
  Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Raum-
Lehrperson Bemerkung fällt aus am Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Einzeltermine anzeigen
Di. 13:30 bis 15:00 wöch. von 15.10.2024  Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7 - Hörsaal (IT-AP)  

Lab class / first lecture (October 11th, 2022)


Einzeltermine anzeigen
Mo. 13:30 bis 15:00 wöch. von 21.10.2024  Karl-Haußknecht-Straße 7 - Hörsaal (IT-AP)  


Gruppe [unbenannt]:
Zur Zeit keine Belegung möglich

Zugeordnete Personen
Zugeordnete Personen Zuständigkeit
Hornecker, Eva, Prof., Dr.-Ing. verantwortlich
van Koningsbruggen, Rosa Donna
Osipova, Margarita
Waldschütz, Hannes , Meisterschüler/in
Abschluss Studiengang Semester Leistungspunkte
M. Sc. Computer Science and Media (M.Sc.), PV 11 - 4,5
M. Sc. Medieninformatik (M.Sc.), PV 29 - 4,5
M. Sc. Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.), PV14 - 4,5
M. Sc. Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.), PV15 - 4,5
M. Sc. Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.), PV17 - 4,5
M. Sc. Computer Science for Digital Media (M.Sc.), PV 18 - 4,5
M. Sc. Human-Computer Interaction (M.Sc.), PV19 - 6
M. Sc. Computer Science for Digital Media (M.Sc.), PV 2020 - 6
M. Sc. Computer Science for Digital Media (M.Sc.), PV 17 - 4,5
Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Fakultät Medien

The course covers the research area and technology field of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). UbiComp technologies move beyond ‘traditional’ computing concerns, moving from the desktop into the world, from the workplace to the home and other settings [e.g., domestic, public spaces], from purely functional to ludic concerns [e.g. home entertainment, pervasive games], and from digital to digital-physical systems [tangible computing, IoT].


The course covers technical aspects as well as design issues, and addresses user-centered design, concept prototyping and evaluation methods relevant for Ubiquitous Computing. It includes discussion of broader societal and value-related concerns (e.g. privacy, security, user agency versus ambient intelligence). We will discuss and reflect on concerns, perspectives and the interdisciplinary nature of UbiComp.


Successful students should be able to

-      discuss the diverse and emergent areas within UbiComp technologies and the issues entailed

-      develop concepts for UbiComp applications that are appropriate for a given use context and illustrate these (sketching, video prototyping, Wizard of Oz) as well as determine their technical feasibility

-      be able to reflect on practical experiences engaging with some of these technologies from a user-centred perspective

-      understand the technical functioning of example UbiComp technologies

-      choose and provide a rationale for appropriate user-centered design methods for exemplary application problems

-      critically assess societal implications and discuss design trade-offs of UbiComp applications.

-      Critically reflect on technology visions

-      understand complex issues from the HCI and UbiComp research literature, in particular, to summarize literature and to discuss it



J. Krumm (ed.) Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals. CRC Press Taylor & Francis, 2010
Mike Kuniavsky. Smart Things. Ubiquitous Computing User Experience Design. Morgan Kaufman 2010
Rowland et. al. Designing Connected Products. O’Reilly 2015
Harper, Rodden, Rogers, Sellen (eds.). Being Human: Human-Computer Interaction in the Year 2020. Microsoft Research Ltd 2008


Note: This course is offered biannually  



practical problem-based coursework, mostly done in group work. Final individual project-based report.


M.Sc. Computer Science and Media / Computer Science for Digital Media

M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction


Die Veranstaltung wurde 14 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis WiSe 2024/25 gefunden:
Electives  - - - 1
Specialization  - - - 2
Specialisation HCI  - - - 4
Concepts & Methods  - - - 5
Electives  - - - 6
Master  - - - 7
Electives  - - - 8
Advanced HCI  - - - 9
Interactive IS  - - - 10
Electives  - - - 11
Electives  - - - 13
Specialization  - - - 14

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