Beschreibung |
In unserem Workshop lesen, erarbeiten, übersetzen wir das Buch von Catherine Ingraham «Architecture and the Burdens of Linearity».
Catherine Ingraham, Urenkelin von Frank Lloyd Wright, unterrichtete als Professorin an internationalen Universitäten, führt die Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation FLWF, sowie das Wright-Ingraham Institute WII. «Vision: In the words of Frank Lloyd Wright, to make life more beautiful, the world a better one for living in, and to give reason, rhyme, and meaning to life. Mission: The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation inspires people to discover and embrace an architecture for better living through meaningful connections to nature, the arts, and each other.» FLWF «The world is changing in profound ways and the social and ecological challenges we face continue to increase in scale and complexity.» WII
In ihrem Buch «Architecture and the Burdens of Linearity» werden aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen über das Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis in der Architektur geführt, die Gesetze der Geometrie, Karten, architektonische Pläne, Systeme des architektonischen Wissens und Mythologien des architektonischen Ursprungs in Werken von Le Corbusier, Vitruv, Alberti, Tafuri, Derrida, Lévi-Strauss, Shakespeare, Lacan, Deleuze, Rilke und Stendhal betrachtet. Preface_ «This book is about lines and linearity in architecture, but it is not about the generation of lines – that is, it isn`t precisely about architectural drawing. It is certainly philosophical in some sense, but the issue it deals with are not, finally, the issues of philosophy. The philosophical life of the line and the architectural life of the line intersect, and this intersection is complicated for both sides. But I want to underscore the fact that nothing is balanced in this composition. The theoretical considerations of this text are driven – indeed, can make sense at all – from only one side of the philosophy-architecture pair: namely, the architecture side.» (1)
Literaturhinweis_Zitate: 1_ Catherine Ingraham_ Architecture and the Burdens of Linearity_ Yale University Press_ New Haven and London_1998 |