The students will be familiar with the probability of natural hazard and risk determining parameters. They will be able to recognize procedures of single and multi hazard assessment and to process input data and to apply tools to study areas. Students will be introduced in further advanced geotechnologies and existing or on-going research as well as global projects conducted by GFZ.
Hazard Assessment and Applications
Primary input and output parameters for EQ (and other natural) hazard; Earthquake statistics and occurrence probability; Methodology of seismic hazard assessment; Seismicity models; Examples of seismic hazard and risk studies; Synopses of natural hazards; procedures and developments in multi-hazard assessment; Case studies of multi-hazard, vulnerability and risk considerations.
”Natural Hazards and Advanced Geotechnologies” --> due to the current situation, we will be not able to conduct the excursion - this part will be replaced by: Multi-hazard study of your home country and building stock survey
Compilation of EQ hazard-related data
Treatment of long term seismicity data files; elaboration of earthquake data to get harmonized input for PSHA; earthquake catalogues (for the countries of the participants and adjacent regions); data pre-processing; Hazard Description for the Project regions
Excursion to GeoResearchCenter Potsdam --> the recent situation might allow to have the excursion this year