Teil Grundlagen der Materialkorrosion: Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Grundlagen/Schäden; Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz an Metallen, Glas und Keramiken, Bauwerkstoffen (Beton, Ziegel, Mörtel, Naturstein); Kunststoffen und Polymeren, Biokorrosion; Korrosionsschutz durch Anstriche und Beschichtungen.
Teil Baustoffkorrosion: Aspekte zur Dauerhaftigkeit zementgebundener Bindemittel; visuelle und analytische Charakterisierung der Korrosionsphänomene (wie Alkali-Kieselsäurereaktion, Ettringitbildung usw.);Demonstration von abbildender und analytischer Technik.
Praktikum: Laborversuche zur Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz.
The students know the terms and corrosion processes for the material groups metals (including metal alloys), glass, ceramics, building materials, plastics, wood and the mechanisms of biocorrosion. They are able to interpret corrosion processes and classify them in terms of their harmful effects. They are familiar with active and passive corrosion protection measures.
Fundamentals of material corrosion: Scientific technical fundamentals / damage; corrosion and corrosion protection of metals, glass and ceramics, building materials (concrete, bricks, mortar, natural stone); plastics and polymers; biocorrosion; corrosion protection by paints and coatings
Building material corrosion: Aspects of the durability of cement-bound binders; visual and analytical characterization of corrosion phenomena (such as alkali silica reaction, ettringit formation, etc.); demonstration of imaging and analytical techniques
Exercise: laboratory tests on corrosion and corrosion protection