Have you ever walked through a contemporary art exhibition, looked at a sculpture and thought “I could do that, too”? In the beginning of the 19th century artists like Marcel Duchamp not only challenged what can be called art, but also put a new light on the skills an artist has to bring to the table, to be able to place their work in an art exhibition. Concept art can give you the freedom to experiment with speculative ideas, create (a-) political statements and challenge what it means to make art.
When trying to create art with a computer, specifically with a game engine like Unity, things can become a bit more confusing. Learning a new program can be challenging and will take a lot of effort. It’s easy to get lost and be overwhelmed by its possibilities. That makes it harder to create something meticulous.
So, let’s look at the idea of making art with a game engine, through the eyes of Duchamp. But let’s keep it simple and try to use the concept of making a sculpture and translate it to the digital world.
After an introduction to unity we will create sculptures and exhibit them on spatial.io. An interesting place, that might become the YouTube of virtual worlds in the future… |