Abschluss |
Studiengang |
Semester |
Leistungspunkte |
Diplom |
Freie Kunst (Dipl.), PV25
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV29
LA Gymnas./1.Staatspruef. |
Lehramt an Gymnasien 1. Fach Kunsterziehung, PV29
LA Gymnas./1.Staatspruef. |
Lehramt an Gymnasien Doppelfach Kunst, PV29
B. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation (B.A.), PV16
B. A. |
Produkt-Design (B.A.), PV16
M. F. A. |
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum (M.F.A.), PV17
M. A. |
Produktdesign (M.A.), PV19, 4-Semester
M. A. |
Produktdesign (M.A.), PV19, 2-Semester
B. A. |
Produktdesign (B.A.), PV19
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation (M.A.), PV19, 4-Semester
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation (M.A.), PV19, 2-Semester
B. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation (B.A.), PV19
B. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (B.F.A.), PV19
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV19, 4-Semester
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV19, 2-Semester
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV2021, 4-Semester
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV2021, 2-Semester
LA Gymnas./1.Staatspruef. |
Lehramt an Gymnasien Kunst im Zweifachstudium, PV2022
LA Gymnas./1.Staatspruef. |
Lehramt an Gymnasien Kunst im Doppelfachstudium, PV2022
B. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (B.F.A.), PV29
Beschreibung |
At the invitation of Prof. Dr. Birte Kleine-Benne, Thorsten Schneider and the participants will discuss a selection of current, theoretical texts
When theory is described as „dazzling”, it usually means that it is popular at the moment, but beyond that, it is of little significance. This prejudice can be countered by the fact that it is precisely through the „iridescence” of these theories that a polyperspectival light is shed on the fractures of the seemingly hermetic academic canon. As part of instituent practices (Gerald Raunig) of fleeing, instituting and transforming, they search for spaces of possibilities in order not to be so governed by the given capitalistic conditions (Michel Foucault). Dazzling theories ask for a „knowledge beside itself” (Tom Holert) and interfere in contemporary epistemic politics. In our common reading, the aim will be to familiarize ourselves with some current critiques of the institutionalized canon.
Important suggestions are provided by critiques of „Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprice Culture” (Gregory Sholette, Stephan Dillemuth, Bojana Kunst), feminist critiques of Critical Care (Leigh Claire La Berge, Elke Krasny), critiques of politics of resilience (Angela McRobbie, Sarah Bracke), and glitch feminism (Legacy Russell). As well as „The Undercommons” (Stefano Harney & Fred Moten) as a collaborative thinking space of a Fugitive Planning & Black Study, radically expanding Black Quatum Futurism as „manipulation of space-time in order to see into possible futures, and/or collapse space-time into a desired future in order to bring about that future’s reality.”
Rasheed Araeen, TJ Demos, and Félix Guattari argue for an Ecoaesthetics that takes into account the crises of the 21st century. In times of multiple crisis, „dazzling” theory is needed to even begin to recognize the complexity of the situation.
For „staying with the trouble” (Donna Haraway) its good to know that „it's after the End of the World. Don't you know that yet?” (Sun Ra) |
Bemerkung |
Lehrperson: Thorsten Schneider
Die erste Sitzung findet online statt. |
Voraussetzungen |
Die Lehrveranstaltung richtet sich an alle Fakultäten, Fachsemester und Fachbereiche. Bitte die jeweils assoziierte Prüfungs- und Studienordnung beachten!
Die Lehrveranstaltung findet direkt auf Englisch statt. |