How could an embodied approach nourish and inform practices in Academia, Arts & Activism in a way that inspires social transformation?
During this Winter Semester, you are invited to collectively explore experimental body-based research infused with critical social theory. We explore ways of thinking-with; our bodies, spaces and material conditions reflecting Haraway’s notion of SF: Science Fiction, Speculative Fabulation, String Figures, Speculative Feminism, Science Fact, So Far (Haraway, 2016).
This intervention playfully questions dominant narratives of western rationality and individualism in order to explore alternative knowledge production beyond the construction of a cartesian body/mind dualism.
Drawing on critical posthuman theory and queer feminist epistemology, the course coalesces around topics of
- Care and Resilience
- Entanglements and Interdependencies
- Play and Dreaming
This course includes possibilities for experimental reading, grounding practices, tea-talks, knitting, contact improvisation, and collective dreaming...
All bodies & abilities are welcome.
If you have further questions regarding the course or accessibility, please get in touch.
To join the course, please send a motivation statement to |