Beschreibung |
This course provides an opportunity to analyze how sexuality in all its forms (identity, sexual orientation, other) has been represented (or not) in visual history. The course places a focus on practice-based research, inviting students to develop their own visual projects in response to approaches from other disciplines such as literature, cultural geography and feminist studies. Through the analysis of readings, images and films, students will critically and trough a feminist lens discuss how this representation has been done and create their own visual projects. This course is open to all students with an interest in Photography, Film and Ilustration and who are willing to engage with literature through practical reflection. |
Zielgruppe |
Die Veranstaltung steht im Rahmen der »Bauhaus.Module« allen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden der Fakultäten Architektur und Urbanistik, Bauingenieurwesen, Kunst und Gestaltung sowie Medien offen. Bitte halten Sie vor der Anmeldung Rücksprache mit Ihrer Fachstudienberatung und klären Sie, ob diese Veranstaltung in ihrem Curriculum angerechnet werden kann. Bei Bedarf schließen Sie vor Veranstaltungsbeginn ein Learning Agreement ab.