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Summer 2024

Me Myself and I M.F.A. - Single View

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Basic Information
Type of Course Specialist Module Hours per week in term 4
Number 320110061 Max. participants
Term SuSe 2020 Assigned Module
Expected no. of participants 8
Frequency One-time
Hyperlink https://moodle.uni-weimar.de/course/view.php?id=22222
Additional Links https://www.uni-weimar.de/de/kunst-und-gestaltung/professuren/multimediales-erzaehlen/
Language german
Application period
Dates/Times/Location Group: [no name]
  Day Time Frequency Duration Room Room-
Lecturer Remarks Cancelled on Max. participants
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Wed. 09:15 to 15:00 weekly from 13.05.2020         
Group [no name]:
application currently not allowed
Graduation Curricula Term ECTS-Points
M. F. A. Media Art and Design (M.F.A.), ER29 - 6
Assign to Departments
Multimediales Erzählen

This interdisciplinary, practiced based course introduces the design principles of character design for animated formats in 2D techniques. Through analogue, experimental excercises we will explore the fundamentals of designing unconventional characters and learn about the requirements they have to fulfil when they are to be set in motion. We will work with paper, pen and scissors, with ourselves and the daily objects that surround in order to generate ideas.


The course is designed for students of Media Art and Design and Visual Communications. Moreover, it is open for students from the faculty of Media Architecture. The course will be held in German.


Drawing skills are necessary for participation. If you want to join the course, please send a short motivation letter and some work examples as a PDF together with your name, semester, study focus and Matrikelnr until 6.5. to: aline.helmcke@uni-weimar.de


If you are interested and have any queries regarding the materials and software that we will use, please join the online consultation on 5.5. between 14 and 16h.



Anmeldung bitte unter:  aline.helmcke@uni-weimar.de 

Termin: Mi. wö. 13.5.2020, 9.15-15.00 Uhr - online


Zeichenkenntnisse, Interesse für den Bereich Animation


Regelmäßige Teilnahme, rechtzeitige Bearbeitung und Upload der gestellten Aufgaben und Übungen, Abgabe Semesterarbeit in digitaler Form 


Target Group

Fak. K&G, MKG, VK

Structure Tree
Lecture not found in this Term. Lecture is in Term SuSe 2020 , Currentterm: Summer 2024

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