Beschreibung |
Be·have yourself!
(workshop about the body experience through public space)
The body is the first means of communication and yet we are afraid to use it. Through this workshop we are aiming to create a diverse group that will work collectively in order to observe, analyse and understand our behaviour in the space that we are all living as well as the way we use our bodies in relation to the others and in relation to the city itself. To what extent do ethics and laws define and restrict our bodies in public space? How different is being an artist, an architect or an engineer, in the public sphere experience? How we behave in Weimar and how this differs from our behavior in our hometowns? The only tool that someone needs to have for this workshop is her/his own body.
The Bauhaus University, and Weimar itself, bring us new possibilities of communication and integration to a new cultural and socio-political environment. In that sense we want to exchange experiences and concerns with students from different faculties, by creating this space of discussion, experimentation and expression; having in mind that with every interaction in public space we are producing social experiences that can affect others in a positive or negative sense. If nowadays society needs to be highly based in collaborative work, and Bauhaus principles stated the harmony between arts and crafts, we want to propose the body as the bridge that connects the self with society, the personal work with the acivation of the public sphere.
Since we are two artists (Lucía Diegó; Eleftheria Panousi) with experience in the field of performance art as well as in dance and theatre, we are prepared to work methodically taking into consideration each participant’s background and possible difficulties that each one might face.