Beschreibung |
Housing as a unit of material and architectural production is inseparably connected to the socio-political systems that engender it, but it is also shaped through personal interactions. Taking as the point of departure concrete housing objects, this seminar will explore the embeddedness of their materiality in societal processes of sense- and meaning-making. The concept of the archive will be mobilized in order to uncover the multifaceted socio-cultural practices of home-making that these objects as material artifacts entail and enable. In doing so the seminar seeks to draw connections between the personal and the political, between housing as a container and transmitter of personal memory and ordinary life and as an artifact of certain social imaginations and politics. Within the seminar, students will get to know and critically discuss different scholarly perspectives and positions on how to conceptualize the role of materiality in urban and housing studies, such as, for example, social constructivist approaches, affect theory, or ANT. Students will also be provided with the opportunity for multimodal anthropological engagement with selected housing objects. |