Abschluss |
Studiengang |
Semester |
Leistungspunkte |
Diplom |
Freie Kunst (Dipl.), PV25
LA Gymnas./1.Staatspruef. |
Lehramt an Gymnasien Doppelfach Kunst, PV29
Master |
Produkt-Design/Nachhaltige Produktkulturen (M.A.), PV13, 2-Semester
Master |
Produkt-Design/Nachhaltige Produktkulturen (M.A.), PV16, 4-Semester
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation/Visuelle Kulturen (M.A.), PV16, 2-Semester
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation/Visuelle Kulturen (M.A.), PV13, 2-Semester
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation/Visuelle Kulturen (M.A.), PV13, 4-Semester
M. A. |
Visuelle Kommunikation/Visuelle Kulturen (M.A.), PV16, 4-Semester
M. A. |
Produkt-Design/Nachhaltige Produktkulturen (M.A.), PV16, 2-Semester
Master |
Produkt-Design/Nachhaltige Produktkulturen (M.A.), PV13, 4-Semester
M. F. A. |
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum (M.F.A.), PV17
M. F. A. |
Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (M.F.A.), PV19, 4-Semester
Beschreibung |
From India to Belarus, from Thailand to Russia young people are on the streets for democratic, social and environmental rights. The protesters are using methods of cultural production to protest against the authorities. They invented symbolic languages to share their concerns with the world or to communicate amongst each other. These can be seen in the use of fantasy metaphores in Thailand or how Chilean protestors appropriated the indigenous ‘Mapuche’ flag to demonstrate against neoliberalism. These actions use culture as a weapon to become voices of the people in political conflicts.
Bauhaus is a classic example for ideological endurance in oppressive times. The name fortitudes until this day for more than one century but can it become a symbol of resistance with contemporary methods for the future? Our interest lies in cultural activism as a way of learning. In the module we aim to create a platform for exchanging our international and interdisciplinary knowledge. It will be structured by medium as dress, architecture, music, food, etc. For each class there will be a theoretical input followed by practical implications. International guests as researchers, theoreticians, activists and artists will be invited to share their knowledge in the proposed topic.
We envision the outcome as a collective multi-media publication that shares all the strategies and thoughts developed during the seminar. This publication will be spread through our international network for the oppressed communities around the world.
Bemerkung |
We will get in contact with you after your registration for this module by e-mail first
Leistungsnachweis |
Creditvergabe nach finaler Präsentation |
Zielgruppe |
Geöffnet für Masterstudierende aller Fakultäten innerhalb der Bauhaus.Module
Bitte beachten Sie die entsprechende Studienordnung.