Das experimentelle Radio an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | UKW 106.6 MHz broadcast schedule, January 20th

Monday, January 20th

  • 19:00-20:00 – Talking ´Bout Photography ep.4
    What do I see when I look at a photograph? What makes a photograph? What is the process behind it? What is the story behind it?
    Close your eyes and just listen – a portrait of one artist or more every month.
    Here at “Talking ‚bout photography”!
    The fourth guest is Teresa Fischer – have a look at her photos first – or just sit back and listen!
  • 20:00-21:00 – Gastmusiker*in
    Was macht Musikgeschmack aus und woher kommt er? Diesen Fragen und noch vielen mehr gehen Maja und Simon auf einer interstellaren Reise durch die Musikgalaxie auf den Grund
  • 21:00-22:00 – Tuning audio papers 4/4
    Endprodukte des Wissenschaftmoduls „Theorie der Sound- und Radiokunst“ waren im vergangenen Semester Soundpaper. In vier Episoden hören wir diese Radiokompositionen, vorgetragenen Essays, Soundcollagen, Features oder Comics und befragen dabei den Gegenstand des noch jungen auditiven Publikationsformats
  • 22:00-23:00 – Talking ´Bout Photography ep. 3 (Wdh.)
    What do I see when I look at a photograph? What makes a photograph? What is the process behind it? What is the story behind it?
    Close your eyes and just listen – a portrait of one artist or more every month.
    The third guest was Jay Steinert – have a look at their photos first – or just sit back and listen!