broadcast schedule, January 13th
13. Januar 2025 by bauhausfm-admin
Monday, January 13th
- 19:00-21:00 – Ekpompi Episode 3 – Three Probes take a walk
Three autonomous broadcasting parties will air the show in real time while moving through town. We’ll capture impromptu sound events throughout the city of Weimar along the path, by way of walking, driving and taking the bus.
Expect a mobile radio show that leaves the studio behind to encounter soundscapes of infrastructure, consumerism, spirituality, and culture and charters a new course across the beaten paths of the town.
Participants: SeongJin Joeng, Nora Keilig, Wiebke Start, Jesse Stegmann, Nadja Sühnel, Tim Foster, Maximilian Weiß, Paul Schilling and Lefteris Krysalis
- 21:00-22:00 – Talking ´Bout Photography ep.3
What do I see when I look at a photograph? What makes a photograph? What is the process behind it? What is the story behind it?
Close your eyes and just listen – a portrait of one artist or more every month.
Here at “Talking ‚bout photography”!
The third guest is Jay Steinert – have a look at their photos first – or just sit back and listen!
- 22:00-23:00 – 2025 starts with a handheld recorder (Wdh.)
In case you missed it, our New Year’s show from January 6th:
Was hat die Redaktion über die Feiertage gehört?
Listen to sounds(capes) from the holiest days and more
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