Thanh Huyen Hoang

From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 09:05, 18 September 2021 by Dero5124 (talk | contribs)


1. An initial idea Since I was in Germany, I have spent quite much time going to the part and enjoy the atmosphere of the native forest, which brings me another overview of the forest. In my perspective, forests in Germany is almost truly natural, which means there is mostly not impacted by humans. I found that local people always keep the forest as natural as possible and most of the time I practice meditation walking in the forest, which helps me to reduce blood pressure and level of stress.

The interesting is, there is a large number of tree falleth especially in the wintertime. Therefore, I started noticing fallen trees and explored that a hollow log is a habitat for insects and other creatures. Inside of hollow logs, I have found beautiful aesthetic aspects of the forest that we might never notice. The structure of logs is complex and rhythmic likes it is architecturally designed by kind of insects. These aspects construct a whole new environment and show a different view of the forest. I have to say that the more I explore the hollow log, the more hypnotized I become.





Why I chose meditation and fallen trees as a topic to make my art, it does not really sound relevant. ....(to be continued..)

2. Immersive Art environment inside Hollow log-creating a virtual forest

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In this project, I decided to choose a voice guidance method, develop a 3D environment and translate it into a game to get to know how people react to the 3D environment. The immersive game is navigated by using a keyboard. Following the voice guidance, players can concentrate to listen to the voices and move towards targeted places and immerse themselves in the environment.

In the future, I want to expand this project, so players would use a detective breathing device to navigate in 3D space instead of using a computer keyboard. The detective breathing device would help and train players to breathe properly when they practise meditation. The reason is breathing properly is significantly important in relieving stress and getting more concentration in mind, brain and behaviour. I want to bring them to a place having a different experience and aesthetic aspect.

....(to be continued..)