PDCON:Conference/An Exploration on Mobile Interfaces with Adaptive Mapping Strategies in Pure Data

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An Exploration on Mobile Interfaces with Adaptive Mapping Strategies in Pure Data

Author: Koray Tahiroğlu

Downlaod full paper: Media:Tahiroglu pd11 19 07.pdf

This paper presents initial Pure Data abstractions as a part of a toolkit system for the implementation of PESI research project. Research focuses on mobile interfaces in participatory interactive art context. Designing an easy to use/control interface for an mobile communication tool, allows participants to become more familiar with the collaboration process and experience a way of making music with a mobile device. A wide range of complexity of control-mapping layers and their integration in such a system, makes the design very challenging process. The implementations of control layer Pure Data abstractions in Maemo Nokia N900 device are described in this paper.

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Kreativfonds Bauhaus-Univeristät WeimarElectronic Arts Blog für digitale SpielkulturThe Mozilla FoundationAllied Vision TechnologiesFreistaat ThüringenBauhaus-Universität WeimarHochschule für Musik Franz Liszt WeimarFraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMTStadt WeimarKlassik Stiftung WeimarNKFaculty of MediaStudio for electro-acoustic MusicKulturTragWerk e.V.Elektronisches Studio der TU BerlinMaschinenraum Hackerspace WeimarRadio Lotte Weimar 

4th international Pure Data Convention 2011 Weimar ~ Berlin