GMU:Tutorials/Networking/Controlling MAX-MSP with TheCaptury

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Controlling Max-Msp with The Captury


UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an internet protocol which provides communication which no handshaking. It also let you define which port on the destination IP you want to address. In our case it is used to transmit messages in OSC format.

In Max/Msp you set up an udpsend object. It need two parameters: IP address and port number (e.g.: "" or "" and "13000"). Img01.png


OSC-messages are build up like an path in your PC (e.g.: "/Animal/Dog/Dackel/Colour/ brown" or "/Animal/Dog/Dackel/Amount/ 45"). Under this path syntax you can send any datatypes (symbol, integer, float as given in the example). This message order is important. Because you can only find what has been sent under the exact path. You would not search the amount of Dackels under path ".../Colour".

Custom Port Configuration

Subscribe to any Skeleton

Grabbing the Bone Vector Coordinates

Using the Data Stream from The Captury