GMU:Performing for Machines (Body Work in Cybernetic Systems) - Isabella Lee Arturo

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WiSe 24/25

Fachmodule 6 credits

(45 h Presence + 67,5 h Deepening & Examination)


Montag 13:30 – 16:45 Uhr



This course offers an introductory overview of body-based art and their encounter with technology. We will learn by recreating the innovative ideas that have shaped today's art scene and discuss collective working methods for integrating interactive technology into performance art pieces.

Since the first half of the last century, the cybernetic school of thought has profoundly transformed every aspect of our lives, from urban planning to market economies. What does it mean to live in bodies that move through automated systems and their ecosystems? Based on cybernetic concepts, we will explore the interrelations between bodies and their environments. To achieve this, we will review performative and action-based strategies for developing artistic ideas. Performative artwork encompasses a wide range of practices, and with the inclusion of computers and digital systems, new strategies have emerged. We will consider performance beyond traditional disciplines, and by the end of the course, students will develop proposals for collaboration and improvisation with digital technology. Participants will collaborate with Alexander König's students, who will be learning to develop interactive networks in TouchDesigner. DE:

Dieser Kurs bietet einen ersten Überblick über körperbasierte Kunst und ihre Interaktion mit Technologie.  Die Teilnehmer lernen von den innovativen Arbeiten von Künstler/innen, die die aktuelle Kunstszene beeinflusst haben, und diskutieren kollektive Arbeitsmethoden zur Integration interaktiver Technologie in Performance-Kunstwerke.

Seit der ersten Hälfte des letzten Jahrhunderts hat die kybernetische Denkschule jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens tiefgreifend verändert. Was bedeutet es, in Körpern zu leben, die sich durch automatisierte Systeme und ihre Ökosysteme bewegen? Aufbauend auf kybernetischen Konzepten werden wir die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Körpern und ihrer Umgebung untersuchen.

Die Teilnehmer werden mit den Studenten von Alexander König zusammenarbeiten und lernen, wie man interaktive Projekte im TouchDesigner entwickelt.


Topics Artist  List Work Title Dates
The Mundane Body Joseph Bueys

Maria Teresa Hincapié

Mierle Laderman Ukeles

peeling the potato

Una cosa es una cosa

Maintenance Art

The Disciplined Body Marina Abramović

Yvonne Reiner

Tehching Hsieh

Endurance Performance

Trio A

One Year Performance


(AB week)

Disciplines Open for students with Sports / Dancing /Theatre background 11.11.2024

(AB week)

Instructions Fluxus playbook 18.11.2024
Extensions for the Body Rebecca Horn

Walter Pichler

Expanding the Body with Media (Expanded Cinema) VALIE EXPORT

Shigeko Kubota

Video Rituals Joan Jonas

Bruce Nauman


Videos Actions in studio

Excursion Schieferpark 02.12.2024
Participatory idea-machines Anna and Lawrence Halprin ‘RSVP Cycles’ 09.12.2024
Cyborg Stelarc 18.12.2024
Body and Interfaces Jeffrey Shaw

Marnix de Nijs

Simon Penny

The legible City

Run Motherfucker Run


Artificial Emotions Arthur Elsenaar, Huge Harry and Remko Scha On the expressive potential of the computer controlled human face 13.01.2025
In front of screens Victoria Vesna

Tamás Waliczky

Mona Sarkis

Bodies INCorporated



Multimedia Poems Beverly Riser, Hans Reiser

Rebecca Fuson

Life on a Slice

Event Horizon

Interactivity and audiences Toshiro Anzai, Tamil Kihara

Richard Green

Liz Phillips

Michael Saup


Light Strokes

Echo-Evolution at the Kitchen in NYC

Binary Ballistic Ballet


Recommended reading:

Click in the following link and log in into your uni account to access the literature list:

Students' final presentations:

[write your name and create your page to upload the documentation of your final performance/action]