GMU:Human and Nonhuman Performances II WS15/Paul Haas

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< GMU:Human and Nonhuman Performances II WS15
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Transmediale Average Body

The goal of "Transmediale Average Body" is to calculate the average "body" (including weight, height and, if possible, body measurements) of a Transmediale visitor on the certain day in the certain time slot.
There will be a LED sign displaying the updated data.

It is to be decided if the data is going to be collected by simply using a measuring tape and a scale or by using sensors and cameras as an input for a program that does the job.

Entering the space, people will see a sign saying that (by entering the cafteria) they are part of a statistical survey collecting their body data that is displayed both in the space and on the internet.

- 1 outlet
- 1 distributor
- 1 table
- 1 LED sign which technical infrastructure is needed (outlets, lighting etc).
- time required for set-up: depends on the method, 10 to 30 minutes
- duration of performance: 2 hours
- space requirements: depends on the method. There will definitely be a table with a computer processing the collected data. At most a table and a place for the scale as well as some space to measure the height of a visitors body etc. is needed.