GMU:(In)visible Networks 2016/Assignment

From Medien Wiki

Based on the structure we created in the last sessions, we should start building our own version of the GMU Site.

As reference we have the Experimentelles Radio Site and the Interface Design Site

Each one of us will create another Folder on the server with the prefix GMU (example: "gmu_azu") where you will develop a prototype of the GMU Site. You guys have the freedom to choose between Wordpress or HTML. If you are developing this in Wordpress, you have to make sure you choose a template similar to the design that the Medien/Gestaltung Faculty is following, but you have now also the basics to change a template to what suits you the best.

You can still keep working on your personal sites, you have the freedom to use the server for learning purpose but please make sure you don't mess with other's people folders and that you use the correct prefix for the tables used in wordpress.