Assignment Timeline;

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21.04.2021 Unity example project presentation

File:1st Assignment-Radiancevr proj presentation-Chanitnanth 123205 (2).pdf

06.05.2021 Idea proposal;

Concept1; File:Concept1-filling color.JPG

Concept2( chosen idea ); File:Concept2-platesmashing.JPG

27.05.2021-What I have done so far;

I make photogrammetry of myself and using blender to create a fractured so I can use it in unity inside the deconstruction script



09.06.2021-What I have done so far#2;

after my second consultation, Jörg told me to try shooting objects. So after I make myself a destructive object, I am now trying to use a different approach by creating a plate that has my boyfriend's face on it as a shooting object instead. (when I am angry with him I can just throw this plate, LOL). I used crated as a target but, I could not achieve figure it out with the script I have been facing to make the crated explode as I did on my previous video( my previous video also face a problem with clicking, It still not fix yet!!!).

So here what I tried so far, by combining with these 2 tutorials [2] [3]

here is my outcome