15. November 2024
A very inspiring group of scholarship holders and sponsors met with family and friends to celebrate together, learn more about their respective voluntary, artistic and research commitments and made new connections. President Peter Benz and the laudators Sabine Wirth, Max Welch Guerra and Maximilian Rünker honoured the more than 70 scholarship holders and emphasised the special potential of the present and future scholarship holder community for society.
The special atmosphere in the Oberlichtsaal was wonderfully enriched by the ‘Duo AssaiMovere’ with violin and accordion. Afterwards, everyone walked illuminated to the exhibition AUSGEWÄHLT #2, where the scholarship holders presented their work and commitment at the Weimar Long Night of the Sciences (LNdW). At the exhibition in the foyer of the library, visitors were able to explore a wide variety of works and talk directly to the talented people behind the projects.
Raven Dietzel | Clara Sofia Fernández Rodriguez | Franka Fetzer | Carolina Garcia | Diana Karle | Leila Keivan Hosseini | Luisa Krämer | Mariam Kunchuliya | Leonie Link | Victor Jose Mahecha Arango | Guiliana Marmo | Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez | Katharina Roßkopf | Anna Ryzhkova | Leonard Schultz | Lena Serov | Jinia Sharmeen | Belcim Yavuz | Kitman Yeung | Stephan Zandt | Zahra Zoleykhaei

On 19 November 2024 welcomed our new doctoral candidates on 19 November 2024 on our Ph.D. Welcome Day. The Welcome Day took place for the first time as a hybrid event in the Lernraum.Bauhaus and offered plenty of space to get to know each other and exchange ideas in addition to lots of information about everyday doctoral life at our university. This was followed by a joint treasure hunt with the International PhD Network. In addition, we are organising various information events on the topic of »PhD Journey with a plan« during the winter semester.
Postdoc Welcome Day | 21.11.2024

Whether new to Weimar or new to the role - all postdocs that we have welcomed to Bauhaus-Universität in the last 12 months were cordially invited to the Postdoc Welcome Day on 21 November. Among other things, they discussed how they finance their research trips and how they establish academic networks, who they talk to about career planning and what they would like to learn next. The Bauhaus Research School presented its advisory services for postdocs and important service facilities and Elodie Vittú from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism reported on how postdocs can organise themselves as a group and support each other.

ProDoc General Assembly on 19.11.2024

On 19 November, our PhD General Assembly for Doctoral Candidates took place again. This time, we met in the relaxed atmosphere of the Bauhaus.Atelier and exchanged info on our work as the PhD Council and views on our doctoral experiences at our university over some chilled drinks. The PhD General Assembly for Doctoral Candidates takes place at least once a year and serves as a direct information and feedback platform of the PhD Council Pro.Doc for all PhD candidates at Bauhaus University.
Many thanks to everyone who attended, special thanks to Leila Keivan for the group photo!
We, the PhD Council Pro.Doc, can be reached at doctoral-council@. All doctoral students are also warmly invited to the Moodle room ‘Promovierendenschaft | PhD student body’.

The PhD Network Quest was a fantastic adventure! On 19th November, doctoral candidates embarked on a thrilling treasure hunt across the university's iconic spots, including the Language Centre, Mensa, Campus Garden, Library, and Bauhaus Atelier. Together, they uncovered clues, had fun, and connected with fellow researchers.
Congratulations to our winners: Paula, Rebekka, and Maren!
After the hunt, the celebration continued at the Bauhaus Atelier, where everyone enjoyed a relaxed get-together with snacks and drinks—perfect for unwinding, sharing stories, and building new connections. A huge thank you to everyone who joined in—see you at the next adventure!
For details and queries please contact:

IPN | Christmas Party Invitation
Join us for a festive celebration to kick off the holiday season!
7th December 2024, 3 pm onwards
Start Location: Bauhaus Research School
Marienstraße 14, Level 2
The festivities include:
» Secret Santa gifts
» A visit to the Bauhaus Christmas Market
» Explore the Erfurt Christmas Market
Don't miss out on the fun, joy, and holiday spirit! See you there!
For further details and queries please contact:

Every winter, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers scholarships for alumni, young researchers, artists and designers.
→ NEW deadline: 15 January 2025
→ The scholarships usually start in April.
Several online Q&As are planned in which scholarship coordinator Marion Hensel will answer your questions about the current scholarship formats - further dates in December and January are in preparation:
3rd of December, 3.30 - 4.30 pm
Online-Consultation (link BBB)

More funds with open calls:
► Diversity fund (21.11.)
► Support for publication expenses, doctoral thesis (extended: 31.11.)
► CRoSS-Fellowship (Cooperative Research of Science and Society, 6.12.)
► Fund for Teaching Ideas: Experimentelles und interdisziplinäres Lernen (20.12.)
► Bauhaus.Module: Förderfonds „Beyond Now — Umwelten“ (20.12.)
► neudeli Boost (ongoing all year round), for founders who aim to apply for a startup-related funding programme (e.g. EXIST Business Start-up Grant, EXIST Transfer of Research) or want to focus on their »market entry«

„20th Century Housing Heritage in Europe: Conserving, Participating, and Adapting.“
The international conference will take place at TU Wien from 28-30 November 2024 as part of the DFG research project ‘Wohnen im Denkmal‘, supervised by the Chair of Urban Planning at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Chair of Heritage Conservation at the TU Wien. The conference programme and registration are now online - the team warmly invites all members of the Bauhaus Research School!
→ Conference website & registrations